Friday, February 29, 2008

I've had a day...

Yes, I have. I'm not even sure where to start but it seems that every random person is against me today. I've had the strangest interactions and what's worse, is that I haven't been able to find the appropriate "come-backs" in time and I wind up leaving the situation dumbfounded and looking lame.


To the woman behind the cash register at CVS:

You have to open your mouth and emit sound in order for me to know you've said something. I can not be expected to read your mind. The last I checked, humans haven't been endowed with that power yet. So when you thought about asking me (twice as you said) about whether I wanted a bag to carry the 4 items that I bought out of the store, the catch is... YOU ACTUALLY HAVE TO SAY THE WORDS. And should it have actually been MY fault, and if I really didn't hear you (which I know is not the case anyway), when I asked you for a bag, there is no need to lash out on me with, "You said 'no bag' that's why I asked you twice" in the rudest of all snotty tones.

And to the customer ordering next to me at Firehook Bakery at lunchtime, who offered his unsolicited advice to me:

No, I do not want an oatmeal cookie, even if you seemed to determine by the quickest observation of me that I need a "healthier option" than the peanut butter cup cookie I ordered. [I ordered my cookie and he turned to me and said, "You really should get an oatmeal cookie. It's healthier."] You have no idea what my eating habits are, nor when my last cookie was. I'm 5'2", 100 lbs, and have consistently low cholesterol and blood pressure. I go to the gym several times a week and walk 2 miles roundtrip to/from work every day. For all you know, mister, I gave up cookies years ago and this was my special treat. (not true, but he wouldn't have known that). So, mind your own business, get your own damn oatmeal cookie, and leave me to enjoy my Friday afternoon treat in peace.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Ooooooo I would have been so pissed about the oatmeal cookie comment!! I hate when I'm having a bad day, pissed off about something, or hurrying to an appointment and some guy on the street (and YES its always a man) says "Oh you should put a smile on your face." Why does a woman always need to smile? And who am I smiling for if I'm in a bad mood??

Wow, that made me feel better venting on your blog :)

Unknown said...

Wow - I had not visited in awhile. I am back! Did you fear I was boycotting because of your political posts? :) Totally agree. I always think of the perfect comeback about 20 minutes too late...