Monday, November 17, 2008

Random Obs

With the hope of getting back into a blogging routine, I have decided to post some random thoughts. Things on the brain, but likely things you couldn’t care less about. Bear with me, it is all in the spirit of progress and more regular postings.

1. For some reason, I continue to eat through this box of wheat thins, even though my stomach now hurts. I picked up chicken noodle soup for lunch but when I got back to my desk, I realized it was basically all broth. How disappointing.

2. My husband agreed to buy me a piece of artwork for the holidays. I am soliciting suggestions from artists and art fans alike. We're looking to spend no more than $500, and probably more in the $300 range. Framed or unframed, doesn't matter. Please leave your suggestions in the comments (a link to a Web site bumps you to the top of the list).

3. I’d like to rethink how I use Facebook. Is it really necessary that I be connected to everyone that I’ve ever known in my 31 years of life? Do those people really care about my updates? (ref: obs #1) Probably not.

4. Better question – do my real friends care either?

5. With almost everyone using Facebook, what will our high school reunions be like? We’re already catching up, telling stories and sharing pictures. There will be no more anticipation over “I wonder what so-and-so looks like now?” and “I can’t wait to hear what so-and-so is doing these days.” Just friend them.

6. I'm wondering if I'll be able to weasel my way onto the Mall for Obama’s inauguration, or should I just stay home?

7. I wonder what I could get to rent out my condo for the inauguration. Or, at the very least, the air mattress. How much would someone really pay to sleep on an air mattress?

8. Sometimes, while walking to work, I feel myself getting “sidewalk rage.” Why can’t people walk on the right and pass on the left? Are there any documented cases of "sidewalk rage"?

9. And for everyone coming in for the inauguration... here, in D.C., we stand on the right while ascending and descending escalators. The left side is used for those who want to walk up or down. Please, please, please follow the local custom. It will make for a much better experience for both you and me.

10. Finally, I’m almost done with the wheat thins. I feel my sodium levels rising.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice post. These observations seem different...