Thursday, February 02, 2006

Living on the Edge...

How effective would my blog be if I always let a month go by in between posts? Would I be nominated for a Bloggie? Don’t think that I’ve been observation-less all month or I’ve been walking around with my eyes closed - au contraire mon frere. I’ve discovered the pleasures and pains of the cheap bus to NYC and I’ve discovered that the base of a lamp-post on my block serves as a drug drop. (I merely discovered this as an observer, not a participator). I’ve also discovered a hilarious website, which I will post here for your pleasure: These people are geniuses and oh how I long for the day that DCers band together to add this kind of comic relief to our tightly wound conservative, narrow-minded city. (If anyone knows of this already going on here, please email me!) What is the allure that this kind of project holds? Is it the act of “living on the edge” – in some cases getting right into that gray area between law-abiding and law-breaking? Is it the comfort of being part of a whole – an integral component in a grander scheme? Whatever it is, I know it would be cool to be a part of. Check it out.